Voting by mail is easy in New Jersey.
But you need to first apply for a ballot with a vote by mail application.
Click here to get a vote my mail application.
Note on your vote by mail application that. you can apply for a ballot for all future elections, or. you can select the next upcoming election.
If you apply for all future elections, you will not be allowed to vote on the machine on election day until you apply to opt out using this form.
Once you receive your vote by mail application, fill it out and return it to:
Joanne Rajoppi
Union County Clerk
Union County Courthouse
2 Broad Street
Room 113
Elizabeth, NJ 07201-2299
When you receive your paper vote by mail ballot, fill it out. Carefully read the instructions.
The ballot must be in the mail by November 8.
You can also drop off your ballot at County Administration building at 300 North Avenue East by November 8.
You can also check that your ballot has been received, rejected or accepted, but you must first set up a My Voter Record. Click here for more information.
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