I wasn't surprised when I learned that Emily had been chosen to step in to fill a sudden vacancy on our Town's council.  For as long as I've known her, she has devoted herself to volunteering to fill many needs in our community. 

I met Emily six years ago when I was volunteering for a local gun-safety group, and, like me, she was concerned with the frequent school lock-down drills and an uptick in mass shootings.

I soon learned that her gun-safety ethic was due to her father's influence, a retired State Department official and former police lieutenant who always advocated for common-sense gun reform. Like him, Emily committed herself to fight for change and helped spearhead a local grassroots group to focus on the problem.

Together with some other local volunteers, we got to work. We called our senators, met with our congressman, and talked to voters to help elect gun-sense candidates on the state and local levels.

Emily hosted letter-writing events, attended rallies and vigils, and knocked on doors. I witnessed firsthand Emily speaking to local voters and listening to their concerns. She is someone who cares deeply about our community, walks the walk, shows up, and rolls up her sleeves. No job is out of her reach, and no job is beneath her. She has a deep commitment to public service.

I want to be represented by an elected official who shares my values and stands up for our families' rights. That's why I'm supporting Emily Root for Ward 1 in November.

Christina Baker